
Don't you have a partner for the seminar, for the classes or the milongas?

We can help you!

The best way to not miss any of our must-attend events!

Some students/tangueros from around Milan, who were put in contact with us by a teacher who has been a reference for us for years, Alberto Colombo, have made themselves available as taxi dancers. It worked very well last year.


  • Classes at 20 EUR per hour. (Note that some classes last 1.5 hours)
  • Milongas:
    • Per 2h: 50 EUR
    • Per 3h: 70 EUR.
    • Please, give specific times when requesting for a taxidancer.

How does it work?

  • When you have chosen what you wish to participate in, register as usual for the Festival by sending us an email and indicating the lessons and events and which Taxi Dancer partner you would like.
  • You will receive a confirmation email that will indicate how to proceed with payment and if the taxi dancer is still available.
  • After payment, you will be officially registered and will not receive further confirmations. You will meet your partner at the lessons and/or milongas.

We are not responsible for the success of the dance partnership. We trust in mutual respect and good spirits and the pleasure of dancing and learning for both.
This is the spirit of La Casa del Tango!

Hurry Up!

Don't miss it!

In past years, the available taxi dancers were quickly fully booked.