
The Festival LuganoTango

First as leaders of LuganoTango, than as founders of La Casa del Tango, Moreno Orsatti and Manuela Stucki have been organizing events related to Tango and Argentine culture for a long time.

In 2004 in addition to tango classes, milongas and practices, stages with some of the greates Maestros, concerts, dances with live music and other events such as exhibitions, tours in Argentina, etc..., it was decided to do even more. The natural result of intensive work untill this moment was the 1st Festival LuganoTango.

The start was definitely off with a bang, bringing together two of the best couples in the world: Julio Balmaceda y Corina de la Rosa and Mariano "Chicho" Frumboli y Eugenia Parrilla. The Festival has increasingly become more important in Switzerland as well as in Europe and recognized from the Maestros of Buenos Aires.

Throughout the years the Festival has seen the some of best couples of the greatest Argentine Maestros worldwide.

Since 2006 other activities are still beeing organized by La Casa del Tango (always founded by Moreno Orsatti and Manuela Stucki) inGiubiasco (Switzerland), Paradiso (Switzerland) and Porlezza(Italy).